Nowadays, it looks like web content has strayed away from its main goal. The greater part of the focus of almost every element shifts toward the first sentence and attracting the reader’s attention to it. So that we don’t make the wrong conclusions, we have to admit that this objective will always be key, but it should not come at the expense of value. Neither should we rest on our laurels for creating a great first impression.
At 411 Marketing, we know well the importance of creating of a clear, concise, and easy-to-read text for the successful communication through content. We also understand the importance of a catchy title!
But how to structure our content for persuasiveness?
There is no one answer to this question. It will depend on the goals we have set for achieving through the article we are writing, and it is important to know that the key to a successful structure lies in the variety of its components.
Main rules for the creation of a suitable, attention-grabbing structure:
- Focus on the readers
The readers should always come first, and we have to make a promise in the beginning of each article (expressed in a title or an introductory paragraph). Never force your readers to ask themselves the question: “Why should I pay any attention to this?”
- An idea behind each word
Each separate part of the description and the argument should have a main idea and a main goal (to attract a reader, to refute somebody else’s argument, etc.), which to support your points of view and above all – fulfill the promise you’ve made.
- Concreteness and arguments
It takes great concreteness when presenting and explaining your statements, as well as good reasons to support them. General statements unsupported by concrete and specific facts speak of lack of seriousness and substance of the content.
- Credibility
Whenever possible, we have to present the necessary proof in the shape of statistics, expert opinion, and references. This helps build the credibility of the article, without which the end goal will be hard to achieve. If you lack knowledge in a certain field, make sure you do some thorough research.
- Make an offer
Whether you are trying to sell a product, service, or just an idea, you have to present it in the shape of an offer to the reader. It is always best to be confident in your offer and also to remove the sense of risk for the readers, by guaranteeing that you stand behind what you are saying.
- Summary of the content
Each article needs a strong end, which to close the circle of the initial promise we made, by demonstrating we have fulfilled it.
These are just some of the most critical elements we have to include in our content in one way or another. Let’s not forget that the diverse topics, ideas, and goals of our content imply an individual approach. If you need the help of experts with substantial experience in the creation of unique content, contact 411 Marketing for more information!