411 Marketing Continues to Invest in the IT Sector

411 Marketing starts a new investment project for the training of interns and young specialists in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In 2018, this Varna company will double the scope of the SEO Academy it started in 2017. So far, over 50 interns have been trained at the Academy. 70% of them started work for the company.
“In 2018, we plan to continue preparing specialists for the IT industry, as well as to implement new educational methods in the training process so that we can make it as adequate to meet the needs of this fast-developing industry as possible,” Milen Sotirov, Training Manager at 411 Marketing, commented. The internship program lasts 240 hours and is free for the participants. The trainings are made possible with the support of the “Student Internships” program of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education.
The company equipped a new classroom with 18 individual work stations and an interactive whiteboard, which allows for an improved communication between trainers and trainees, as well as gives more opportunities to the interns to be active participants in the training process.
The company provides the trainees with trainers, each of whom has practical experience in both teaching and the field of Digital Marketing and SEO.
In January 2018, the SEO Academy of 411 Marketing starts the training of 20 interns. The trainees are students from the Naval Academy of Varna, the Technical University of Varna, and the Varna Free University. The next group of interns is planned to increase to 30 people.
The Academy of 411 Marketing prepares young people for working with the latest strategies of Digital Marketing and the methods of Search Engine Optimization in an actual business environment. The trainings are conducted in the office of the company, which allows the trainees to be part of the work process.
411 Marketing is part of the international brand 411 Locals, a world leader in the field of SEO. The Varna branch of the company was founded in 2009 with just 4 employees. Today, more than 200 people work for the company, and the number of its employees is planned to increase with 8 – 10% in 2018.