На 01.02.2021 г. 411 Маркетинг ЕООД стартира изпълнението на Договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощ № BG16RFOP002-2.077-1317-C01 “Подкрепа за средни предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19”.
Чрез проекта се цели осигуряването на оперативен капитал за компанията за преодоляване на икономическите последици от пандемията COVID 19. Общата сума на безвъзмездната финансов помощ е 150 000 лв., от които 127 500 лв. европейско и 22 500 лв. национално съфинансиране. Крайната дата на изпълнение на проекта е 01.05.2021 CELEBRATES U.S. PARENT COMPANY’S (411 LOCALS) 10 YEARS.
Подкрепата се предоставя по процедура BG16RFOP0022.077 „Подкрепа за средни предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“ на Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност” 2014-2020 г., съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския фонд за регионално развитие.
Очакваните резултати от подкрепата по процедурата се изразяват в постигане на положителен ефект по отношение на средните предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19 и стабилност на работните места.
Students from the Varna Free University, specializing in International Business started their education in digital marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) at the training center of 411 Marketing.
The young people from the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Turkey are trained as part of a joint program of the Chernorisetz Hrabar Varna Free University and the Norway Business School – Oslo. The students will specialize in International Business, and the education in Digital Marketing takes place thanks to the partnership between the company and the Varna Free University.
The practical exercises focus on topics that are applicable in a real business environment. The students will work on a particular task – website optimization, using a real hosting. The training will be realized as part of 411 Academy – an educational project focused on training students in the field of digital marketing, SEO, and web development.
411 Marketing and the Varna Free University have a well-established tradition in the joint education of students, including international ones. Last year, students from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan passed the training at the company and received certificates in SEO (search engine optimization).
The company opened its first office in Varna in 2009, with only four employees. 10 years later, the company has two offices, which employ over 250 young specialists, who have chosen their professional realization in the field of digital marketing, web development, and search engine optimization. 411 Marketing is part of the international group 411 Locals, specializing in the creation of websites and their optimization, for small and medium-sized enterprises. 411 Locals has been ranked among the Top 10 SEO companies in the USA.
411 Marketing and the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Economics – Varna started a joint project for students in the Master’s degree programmes “Mobile and Web Technologies” and “Information Management in Business”. The courses include the teaching of practical WEB technologies, tools for website development, and technical optimization, all of them taught in the subjects “Search Engine Optimization” and “Technologies in Digital Marketing”.
“Partaking in the practical education of the students is an excellent opportunity for us to share the knowledge and skills that we earned through all these years. We use digital marketing and informational technologies as a basis for expanding the abilities of the young talents. 411 Marketing is among the leading SEO companies in the USA which we owe to the excellent preparation of our employees and the use of innovative methods in the field of digital marketing”, said Milen Sotirov, the Training Manager in 411 Marketing, who is also teaching the courses for the students of the programmes.
The company’s aim is a long-term partnership with the UE – Varna in terms of educating and preparing the students. The students in the IT Master class paid a visit to 411 Marketing where they were introduced to the company’s policy, the attractive work conditions, the competitive payment, the flexible work schedule and the social benefits. The two institutions started a joint project for an internship which included 25 students of the university. After the completion of their internship, most of them started full-time work in 411 Marketing.
The company opened its first office in Varna in 2009 with only four people hired. 10 years later, the company has two offices with personnel of over 250 young specialists who have chosen their career path in fields such as digital marketing, web development, and SEO. The company is part of the international group 411 Locals, specializing in the development and optimization of websites for small and medium-sized businesses. 411 Locals is ranked among the top 10 SEO companies in the USA.
A new cycle of lectures and classes for students of the Varna Naval Academy “Nikola Vaptsarov” is about to be started by 411 Marketing. The course is in the field of digital marketing and is realized as part of the subject Search Engine Optimization (SEO), with a total length of 45 academic hours.
“The courses include lessons in the field of digital marketing, web development, and SEO. The latest trends of the field will be taught”, commented Mr Milen Sotirov who is a training manager in 411 marketing and also a full-time lecturer in the Naval Academy.
The courses are intended for the first-year students of the speciality “Information and Communication Technologies”.
The initiative is a continuation of a project between the company and the Naval Academy. The project consists of courses in the field of digital marketing. The cooperation dates from 2017 and started with courses for 46 students who went through “Digital Marketing and SEO” – series of lessons by the company’s own 411 Academy.
One year later, the courses developed into a subject which is already studied by first-year students of the speciality “Information and Communication technologies” in the Naval Academy.
As a partner of the Naval Academy, the company took part in the celebration of 45 years since the establishment of the Academy’s IT department. During the ceremony, 32 students of the academy received their certificates from 411 Marketing for the successful graduation of their digital marketing, WEB, HTML, and SEO education.
In 2009, 411 Marketing opened its first office in Varna with initial personnel of 4 people. 10 years later, the company has two offices with more than 250 employees who chose a career path in the fields of digital marketing, web development, and SEO. The company is part of the international group 411 Locals, specializing in website building and optimization for small and medium-sized businesses. 411 Locals is among the top 10 SEO companies in the USA.
‘Tis the season to be jolly, and that is exactly what we at 411 Marketing are. From all of us at the company, we want to wish you a very merry Christmas filled with shared joy, and an exciting New Year abundant in prosperity and health!
411 Marketing was celebrating 45 years of IT department in the Naval Academy “Nikola Vaptzarov”. The company received a special invitation for the celebration for being a reliable partner. Many of the academy’s students take advantage of the company’s internship programs. On the other hand, some of the company’s managers are in charge of certain learning modules of the academy.
During the official part of the celebration, 32 students of the Naval Academy received certificates from 411 Marketing for successful completion of their trainings – digital marketing, WEB, HTML, SEO /search engine optimization/.
“It is an honour for us to work together with the Naval Academy on mutual projects. The students of the academy are welcome as interns and colleagues. Both their preparation and their motivation are of very high level”, said Mrs Vanya Kirilova, the director of 411 Marketing.
From the behalf of the company, Mrs Krilova congratulated the department for its many years of success and gave a flower bouquet to the head of the department, PhD Yulian Tsonev, as a symbol of fruitful partnership.
411 Marketing and the Naval Academy started their cooperation in 2017, when 46 students of the school graduated the “Digital Marketing & SEO” courses in the company’s own 411 Academy. In 2018, the course became a component of the Naval Academy’s curriculum and it’s being taught to first-year students of the IT major by Mr Milen Sotirov, who is also a training manager in 411 Marketing.
In 2018, the special educational section of 411 Marketing – 411 Academy – prepared over 150 people. The trainees graduated courses about SEO, WEB, HTML. Around 60% of the interns continued on with long-term job positions in 411 Marketing.
About the Company
411 Marketing is the Bulgarian subsidiary of the international brand 411 Locals. The office in Varna opened in 2009, with the initial personnel of 4 people. The team today consists of more than 230 specialists, working in the field of SEO WEB Design, online marketing. 411 Locals is an official partner of Google and is among the top 10 SEO companies in the United States.
411 Locals has announced the appointment of Angela De Rosa as the Operations Manager. 411 Locals Business Services who specializes in Web Design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for small and medium-sized businesses, providing International services. The company has offices in the USA, Bulgaria, and the Philippines. The Bulgarian brand, also known as 411 Marketing, has an office in the city of Varna, were 250 people employed.
“The responsibilities of my position include perfecting the work process of the company, managing the employees’ productivity, improving the communication and the coordination between the departments, and introducing a program for recruitment and career development of talented employees”, pointed out by Angela De Rosa. Her goal is to establish firmly the company name as a good place for starting a career with long-term perspectives.
Angela started her professional career in the field of Call Centre Management in International Tourism. She has a rich experience in Outsourcing, Management of Contact Centers, Managing and motivating the personnel. She sets SMART goals for her employees and herself.
Furthermore, the company announced that the Varna office is recruiting new employees, for Internship and Experienced Specialists as well.
We tricked, we treated,
The food, we could hardly eat it.
We carved pumpkins,
We threw some darts,
We heard screams,
We heard laughter,
As if it’s always been,
A happy 411 Halloween!
The business-oriented lecture on “Digital Marketing and SEO” was delivered to students from the Naval Academy Nikola Y. Vaptsarov by Mrs. Vanya Kirilova, Site Director of 411 Marketing. The young people specializing in Information and Communication Technology at the Information Technology Department received the most updated information on the benefits of digital marketing and its application in an actual business environment.
“It is amazing how knowledgeable the freshmen are. They know about and are interested even in the latest advancements such as voice optimization and how the voice searches will change Digital Marketing and SEO,” commented Mrs. Kirilova.
The students received an invitation to participate in the internship program of 411 Marketing, financed by the Student Internships program of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education. The student internship lasts for 240 hours. The classes are held in a real business environment – in the office of the company, where the interns have a well-equipped training room, which has an interactive whiteboard.
From the beginning of the year, in the specialized unit of 411 Marketing – 411 Academy, over 120 have received training in the field of SEO, Web Design, and HTML. About 60% of the interns sign long-term work contracts with 411 Marketings.
411 Marketing is the Bulgarian branch of the international brand 411 Locals. The Varna office was established in 2009 with only 4 employees. Today, there are over 230 specialists on the team of the company, who work in the field of SEO, Web Design, and online marketing. 411 Locals is an official Google Partner and is among the TOP 10 SEO companies in the US.
411 Academy announced 80 open positions for paid internship til the end of 2018. The education program consists of digital marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) classes. The initiative is supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education as part of the program “Student Practices”.
“We have provided 240 hours of studies and practice. The students will be taught in a real-time business environment. The program is up-to-date with the latest trends in digital marketing”, commented Milen Sotirov, the Training Manager of 411 Marketing.
The flexible schedule of the internship will let the students combine their university studies with the digital marketing courses.
More than 120 people graduated the 411 Academy. The trainees acquired knowledge in the field of SEO, WEB, and HTML. The studies are held in a separate room, customized with an interactive whiteboard.
The current statistics show that over 60% of the interns continue on with long-term contracts in 411 Marketing.
The openings are limited. Paid internship candidates can apply online.
411 Marketing is a daughter company of 411 Locals. The office in Varna opened in 2009 with a personnel of 4. Nowadays, more than 200 people are employed.
411 Locals is a US-based company providing SEO and Internet advertising, with more than 40 000 clients for its 10 years of experience. The company has offices in Bulgaria, the Philippines, and the USA. 411 Locals is an official Google partner, and is among the top 10 American companies working in the field of SEO and Internet advertising.